Dance Floor Sizing

Estimate that no more than approximately 60% of your guests will be dancing at one time, though this can be adjusted depending on the age of your guests, the weather, and whether you have a band or a DJ. Estimate approximately 12 square feet per couple.

Number of Guest Floor Size Number of Sections Needed
40 8'x12' 6 Pieces
60 12'12 9 Pieces
80 12'x16' 12 Pieces
100 16'x16' 16 Pieces
120 16'x20' 20 Pieces
140 ↓↑ ↓↑
180 20'x20' 25 Pieces
220 ↓↑ ↓↑
240 20'x24' 30 Pieces
320 28'x28' 49 Pieces
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